Saturday, September 8, 2007

Fall 2007 - Migration Group Meeting 9/10/07 @ Fair Trade Coffeehouse 4:45 pm

A number of individuals have written and stated that they cannot attend our first planning meeting. Not to worry! We will try a meeting at another late afternoon/early evening time in late September/early October.

[sent via e-mail on Fri, 9/07/07]

The Wisconsin Migration Research Group, chartered in fall 2006, is a cross disciplinary group at UW Madison dedicated to the exchange of research ideas related to the transnational process of migration and immigrants. We have an email list that reaches over 40 members at Madison (and elsewhere) and meet once per month to talk about our individual research ideas and keep each other informed of the latest research through the email list. We're having our kick off meeting to welcome new members and talk about program directions for this fall. Our current steering committee is comprised of graduate students and our faculty adviser is Prof. Ted Gerber. Lastly, we have a new blog ( and a facebook group (search for "Wisconsin Migration Research Group").

WHAT: 1st Meeting, where we will designate grads to share their in-progress research over monthly dinners. Papers can be circulated before the dinner.

WHEN: Monday, Sept 10 @ 4:45 pm (the only time we won't be eating dinner!)

WHERE: Fair Trade Coffeehouse on State Street

WHO: Open to Everyone



Steering Committee Members 2007-2008:

Darlyne Bautista, Southeast Asian Studies
Nicole Butkovich Kraus, Sociology
Feline Freier, Latin American & Caribbean Studies
Mytoan Nguyen, Sociology
Nancy Nguyen, Southeast Asian Studies
Hae-Yeon Choo, Sociology

Thank you to our outgoing two Past Steering Committee 2006-2007 members:

Steven Alvarado, Sociology (temporarily at Princeton)
Vinthany Souvannarath, Sociology

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