Sunday, October 26, 2008

2nd dinner 10/28 tues at Vientiane Palace on Gorham

WHAT: Im/Migration Dinner

WHERE: Vientiane Restaurant on Gorham

WHEN: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm, Tues, Oct 28 (we determined his date would allow for Ted's migration seminar students to come straight after class)


David Rangel, Dept of Sociology,
"The National Day of Action and Student Protest"

This paper uses Protest Event Analysis to situate The National Day of Action (The April 10th, 2006 massive nation wide immigration rally) in the context of student protest and to see if the move Walkout, which premiered on March 17, 2006, influenced the massive student protest which emerged in subsequent days. It uses a social movement prospective to understand the movement emgergence but uses Marxism, Neo-Marism, and Immigration as theoretical perspectives to understand the context which lead up and influenced the collective action.

We encourage reading/skimming the main arguments of the paper in advance.


RSVP and Obtain Paper from: David Rangel email at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's about the friendship it's just awesome..
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